Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Random Fox n' Dragon

I've been meaning to put up some more random art, and so here are two sketchy things I did in the past few weeks.

Here is a random foxy dude that I sketched during a lecture in micron pen. I had been working exclusively with tablet PC for several months, so it was a nice moment to return to pen again and remember how much more control I can get.

And here is an in-progress concept sketch I did for a friend. This is his dragon character that he has been asking me to draw for quite some time. I told him I would do some practice drawings to warm me up to drawing a much better final pose. This was the first full-body I did of his character, done on the ol' tablet PC.


Unknown said...

dude, the dragon's cool. you should do more shizznit with that idea.

David Badgerow said...

Thanks, man. It's not my character, unfortunately, but I am having a fun time drawing him. I'll have to let you see the final once I've rendered the final design and inks.

Unknown said...

i know it's not your character, i'm talking about something else with dragons down the line.

David Badgerow said...

Ah, right right. Yah, actually I've been gearing up to do a 3D rigged version of a dragon-character I made back in middle-school. A semi 3D tradition of mine, where every new 3D software I learn, I model and rig the character in that software. So you can imagine, massive suck-age. But I'm anxious to try it again in maya now.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with James. Whatever stance you take with the *urry kind, I think you must throw it all away and REALLY feel the drawings with the same feeling you did this dragon... you know, get in there, feel the volumes, make a thousand shitty drawings, feel the weight of the characters in your hand... ask yourself who they are where, why are you drawing them, etc...

In other words, yeah, that dragon looks cool.